Located in the township of Wentworth NC is a really nice 44 +/- acre tract nestled just north of the University Estates Subdivision. This tract has a park like feel and abundance of landscape diversity throughout its boundaries.
The property is fortunate enough to have multiple access points stretched from the eastern to the western section of its southern boundary. All of these points enter from a state maintained road, but access roads are not currently developed. By having these points it gives this property a great deal of options or allows for further divisions if desired.
The bulk of this property is a mix of very large mature timber with species ranging from White Oak, Poplar, Red Oak, VA Pine, and a few scattered Short leaf. The topography throughout is moderately rolling with multiple drains leading down to the main stream that runs west – east through the interior. With the access to a great water source and conducive topography there are multiple potential pond sites that could be created, and several beautiful home sites are also abundant.
The Facts
44.60 +/- acres – no recent survey
Subject to the covenants of University Estates (attached)
The property is in forestry deferment – reduced 2021 tax bill / $89.27